To all Dooliers/Heartstrings/YongShin fans,
We are inviting you to join in our mini project as the celebration for
the 3rd year anniversary of HEARTSTRINGS.
We will be trending this trend #weloveh3artstrings
When : June 29, 2014(Sunday)
Where : Twitter
12:00 A.M. (KST) – June 29 Korea/Japan
11:00 P.M. – June 28 Philippines/Beijing/Hongkong/Singapore/Malaysia/Taiwan
10:00 P.M. – June 28 Thailand/Vietnam/Indonesia time
8:00 A.M. - June 28 USA/Canada
9:00 A.M. - June 28 Costa Rica/El Salvador/Guatemala/ Honduras/Nicaragua10:00A.M. – June 28 Peru/Colombia/Ecuador/Haiti/Mexico/Panama
11:00A.M. – June 28 Bolivia/Chile/Cuba
11:30A.M. – June 28 Venezuela
12:00P.M. – June 28 Argentina/Brazil/Uruguay
4:00P.M. – June 28 United Kingdom
In our own little way, we would like to show our
support and appreciation to the actors, staff and crew for making
this beautiful drama for all of us to enjoy. This could also be a way
for us to rekindle the love we have during the times we watched
Lee Shin and Lee Gyu Won’s love story and bantering.
We would appreciate if you can support this effort by
posting quotes, messages, fanarts, and photos in social
networking sites like Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram & Soompi.
There is after all no good or bad messages, it's how we write when
we think and feel.
Also, please do not forget to add the hashtag “#” provided.
A. What hashtag are we going to use?
(Please copy and paste to avoid wrong spelling)
TRENDING details:
1. UNLOCK your account before you start tweeting! If your
account is set to private, the hashtag will NOT count or show up. Publicize your account for one day, and after that you can set
it back to private.
2. Only ONE hashtag (#weloveh3artstrings) per tweet! Any more
that and it’s considered as spam which means twitter will not
count it (or may even blacklist the tweet so it can’t trend).
3. A tweet MUST CONTAIN A MESSAGE. Anything with only a hashtag is considered spam as well.
4. Also, write your OWN message. Do not just retweet the whole “quote” from others.
5. Do NOT tweet beforehand! Don’t start the hashtag the night
before. To trend, the hashtag must be kind of like a sudden
avalanche within a relatively small amount of time
(like over an hour).
So make sure to start at 12:00A.M. KST as specified!
6. It’s not the number of tweets, it’s the number of people
tweeting. You don’t need to write thousand messages. We just
need as many people as possible to write one message each.
Let’s spread the Dooley love!
GOOD tweets example:
1. Happy Anniversary Dooley Couple #weloveh3artstrings
2. I love Heartstrings! #weloveh3artstrings
3. @1234 I miss Lee Shin and Gyu Won #weloveh3artstrings
4. Agree! Let’s do it! RT: @5678 Let’s trend #weloveh3artstrings
BAD tweets example:
1. #weloveh3artstrings
2. #weloveh3artstrings #ILOVEYOU
3. #weloveh3artstrings #weloveh3artstrings #weloveh3artstrings #weloveh3artstrings
4. RT: @5678 Let’s trend #weloveh3artstrings
Trending Rule A:
Are we going to use uniform DP (display picture) or picture profile
during the trending?
We recommend using any of these DPs related to Heartstrings.
You may also use other pictures form Heartstrings
(CHECK OUT: dramabeans and other sites).
But please, NO photoshopped pictures using
other celebrity’s body or face.
See samples:

Thanks to @5pring_day of TIDC
Rules cr. @Kay_2512
Edited by @yongshinlover & @HacciShin of YongShin_IFC
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