Entertainment agency representatives revealed how they deal with star relationship rumors, and it's catching the interest of the public.
Representative Han Sung Ho at FNC Entertainment took precise actions to deal with the relationship rumor of a star. He spread his 'scandal radar', and went to Lee Hong Ki and the other FTIsland members and asked them difficult leading questions, making sure they were prepared; he went on a scandal crackdown.
He also went to CNBLUE's living quarters unannounced and searched their rooms. While looking inside the members' cars, he asked, "Does this car's black box record sound as well? If it's an older model then I'll switch it out for a newer one" and made the members laugh.
Han Sung Ho is part of the "scandal crackdown" team, and director Kim Young Sun and her management team are part of the 'resolution' team. Kim Young Sun said, "When a scandal is detected, the public relations team searches the SNS and its trends, and the management team looks into individual schedules for the star. If it turns out that the scandal is not true, we put out an official statement to correct the scandal. If it seems the stakes are too high, we will either take inaction or meet with a press members to handle the situation" and revealed FNC Entertainment's steps to dealing with a scandal.